Architectural Request Design Review Application (Minor Remodel) Community*SelectCoral Hammock HOAHarbour Place CondominiumsKey West Golf Club HOAOceanside Residential CondominiumsPorter Court CondominiumsRailway CondominiumsSeaSideShark Key HOAShipyard CondominiumsIf you are submitting a request for KWGCHOA, please use the form here instead.Name* First Last Address* Street Address Email PhonePlease check all that apply: Texture Color Detail Please list what is being altered:*Example: window trim, driveway, etc.How is it being altered?*Example: material change to window sill stone on 2 front main floor windows and replace driveway pavers with new stoneDetails of the alteration, including Manufacturer, style, color and finish where applicable:*Example: Material of Window Trim K2Stone/Ocean Pearl Slate; Driveway pavers CST/Vienna Classic Series/Hickory Blend/ Antique Texture)Please provide a picture or sample of the proposed alteration(s): Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 512 MB. Please remember to submit the following: Current Copy of Contractor’s License Insurance Endorsements for Worker’s Compensation